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A space where we share words about objects in our homes and ways in which they shape us and our memories.

O.10 The Forgettable Moments

Words by Ankita Rajasekharan 

The Forgettable Moments captures a daughter’s reflection on her father’s quiet, everyday rituals. 

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Illustration by Shivani Tipari

The bird song was drowned again by moving traffic, the ambulances continued to hurry along, face masks were now designed to match outfits, Zoom-parties for birthdays were no longer a novelty. My father resumed his ritual of a brisk early morning walk. I continued to work from home. It was the summer of 2021. It had been a year since the pandemic had halted the hustle; albeit unsurely, we were adapting to the new normal. I was in the kitchen, tossing cubes of tofu, which was now easily available again. Turning to grab the seasoning, I saw my father through the kitchen door, in the small hall. He was sprawled on the floor, in front of our wooden bookshelf that we have had for as long as I can remember. Over my lifetime, I have seen it stacked with Tinkle digests, Birds around Us, Children’s Dictionary, The Railway Children, A Brief History of Time, Krishnamurthy on Education, Malgudi Days, Dracula, Braiding Sweetgrass, Chemical Elements: How They Were Discovered, to name a handful. My father was looking through the collection on the bottom-most shelves, running his fingers on the spine of each as he pulled out those of interest. He was in the midst of a sorting exercise. He was now retired, had been for a few years. He no longer wanted an everyday life in a noisy city. He had decided to move back to his hometown in coastal Kerala, in South India. This was a decision he had made almost the same time he had accepted his position as a professor at the university he had given all his professional life to. He was leaving the city that had been home for over 30 years, and he was taking his books with him. His outstretched arm seemed sprawly, his skin sagging in places, his knuckles shiny by the skin stretched thin as he turned a page and chuckled at the price stamp in a book from his youth. I was beginning to miss him, even while he was here. I was beginning to miss his absence. If I had to be honest with myself, it was not simply the absence of him in this home and city that I was afraid of missing. I was afraid of his absence from the world. I was missing him, even while he was here. I began to frantically collect stories and quirks that surrounded him, that defined him. I wanted to remember how the house filled with the smells of rising bread in the oven, the words of songs he broke into in the shower, the silence with which he cooked meals and washed dishes—no music, no podcast. Not just a visual memory in the mind, I wanted a multi-sensorial memory of it all.


When IKEA came to India, it was all anyone did over the weekends. A visit to IKEA made it to itineraries when out-of-towners came visiting, alongside Charminar, Golconda Fort, and Paradise Biryani. Curious to know what all the fuss was about, my father and I went too. It was a world in itself, with arrow-marked floors guiding you from room to room, price tags telling you what it would cost to have a bedroom like this, a kitchen like that, and so on. A couple of hours of following the arrows, we made it to the billing counter at the exit, with one mini digital clock. A bright yellow square that, when turned, activated a different function on each side—the time, the temperature, an alarm, a timer. Back home, the mini-clock found a place on yet another wooden shelf I had known all my life. This shelf had flap doors and stored all our fancy crockery that came out for guests, special rituals, and ordinary tea. The top of it was flat with a two-inch raised edge along three sides, stacked with books that were recent purchases, a tiny Eiffel Tower replica, a handcrafted candle stand with a stork engraved into it, and a jam jar with pens and pencils sticking out. And now, a yellow mini-clock. Every few hours, my father left what he was doing—cooking, reading up on quantum physics (a growing interest), writing emails or academic papers, thinking thoughts—and strolled casually into the living room, often humming known or nonsensical tunes. He would make his way to the mini-clock, flip it around and announce the temperature reading out loud to no one in particular: “28 degrees Celsius! Aha.”, “30 degrees Celsius! Hmm.” Sometimes I saw him in the act, many times I heard him while on a work call in the adjacent room. Each time, a confused smile lingered after the announcement. Momentarily disrupting his activity, he went back to whatever it was he was doing. When he moved to Kerala, along with a package of his selected books, I sent along a mini-clock from IKEA, a soft pink one this time. I wrapped it with a note saying I missed his temperature announcements every now and then. As I write at his desk now, on my visit to him, I see the note under a glass slab, next to a photograph of a giraffe I had sent him. The clock rests by his computer downstairs, I hear a distant beep sometimes when he turns it around, but no audible temperature announcements.


I take the stairs down, stopping by the window that opens to the western low-lying fields in sight and the Arabian Sea beyond, not in sight but sending along a gentle sea breeze on the rustling coconut fronds. Mingled with it, is something else incomprehensible to me. As I follow the sound, it becomes clearer but still unintelligible. My father is now sitting out in the verandah skirted by roses, hibiscus, and scuttering squirrels in the mango tree. He is looking into the garden, iPad delicately resting on his lap. It is calling out “oui”, “S'il vous plaît”, “combien?”, “la fille.” In the pauses, he is repeating what he hears. You see, my sister had a baby in Montreal amidst the pandemic and my father’s moving to his ancestral home. A toddler now, my father’s granddaughter is beginning to communicate in words—English and French. He is teaching himself a language, so he may be able to share in it with his grandchild. Surrounded by chembarathi (hibiscus), maavu (mango tree), and annaan (squirrel), he was practicing the language of the youngest generation in his family.


Two years back, when my father decided to move, I had felt a restless urgency to gather all his stories, his mannerisms, and his ideas. I was afraid of forgetting, as I met with the reality that we will now be visiting each other from time to time, that the everyday sharing of life under a common roof was not to be anymore. There are the stories told over and over again that will continue to be told, maybe. And then there are the stories of moments—these aren’t glamorous in their making and showing, these aren’t often retold at family gatherings, these are side-notes of mundaneness. Lives are defined in the mundane, aren’t they? The grand moments direct life surely, but life is lived out in the everyday forgettable. And so I watch out for the forgettable moments; they happen every day, they happen all the time. Some of them stick out, they get written over messages to a faraway sibling, in journals, and shared chuckles with friends. And the rest, they are lost to the sea breeze.

Ria the flat

O.9 The Flat 

Words by Ria Chauhan

A postmodern poem about love and silence inspired by a house with green shutters, rented by Van Gogh in Arles.

I think of a flat – 

empty, silent, quiet, full

our presence is enough


sitting on a long lazy couch

bare legs that don’t touch 

bare hearts that still tangle


glasses empty in the kitchen

with no drinks in them to ease  

our minds are intoxication 


reading books with strictest gaze

words that stretch across the page

no talking yet we harbour love


looking through radiant windows, 

tell me something you’ve told me before 

tell me again – never enough


a yellow house, green windows

starry walls and sunlit floors

warm, slow, intense sky blue 


I think of a flat, I think of you

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Illustration by Ishani Kamat

0.8 Fugitive City

fugitive city

Words by Mitra Visveswaran

A poem about the voice of sudden anger that comes from being trapped inside a dull brain fog; the resting place for most of our psyches today.

We don’t follow our dreams here, not in fugitive city

We sort of amble after them, limping

Shifting our eyes at every slight happening

(The flight of a crow)

Everything is significant

(white noise)

this shifting of attention is not attentive really

It’s a neither-here-nor-there sort of affair

I’m not here but I’m not where my eyes have shifted either

I am not here

And I am not there

In fugitive city we are half-way

We exist like polished boots glinting in the sun,

Glistening, waiting to be ruined

Surreal, because nobody wears boots here

It is far too humid and leather is politically out of fashion

In fugitive city we eat underseasoned instant noodles

(we don’t notice, or we notice but we don’t mind)

The sky is a fluorescent lavender-dust

Technicolour sunsets are captured by shifting eyes

And desires are stowed away in daydreams

Most daydreams are foggy

They pull like puppet strings

We do as they bid yet they never materialise.

Real flesh and bone is not the stuff of dreams.

It is difficult, it demands:

1. Eyes less shifty

2. Solidity

3. Time that is slower

In fugitive city we are captivated endlessly

Like glazed doughnuts

Frost-covered, we fit snugly in a box with a plastic opening

Looking outside, mouths agape, dazed.

In fugitive city gutters carry voices

We find beauty in translucent roach-feathers that catch the sunlight just right

You are not understanding, this is dystopia, but we smile.

We make beauty from noise

Dreams out of the powdered rubble that we have

The gutters carry stories and messenger pigeons are driven out of city homes

Vile words and the smell of vinegar fill the air

Despite what we call ourselves

Despite the languishing, and the weights atop our eyelids

We are living and we find a way to flower.

To make a song or tell a story or dream a dream

and never have it happen, but to dwell in its currents anyway.

This is dystopia but we are surviving and from time to time

Our eyes shift to catch each other’s

and we connect.

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Illustration by Jishnnu B

O.7 Four Chambered Space(s) 

Words by Dhyani Parekh

What does it take to feel at home? Read this heartfelt entry from Dhyani's journal to find possible answers.

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Bunnies in the Netherlands

“The Jazz bar on the ground floor looks kinda interesting, we should give it a shot once we move”, I said mindlessly as I unpacked to move into my new empty studio apartment in the Netherlands.


“Not a fan of jazz, but yeah maybe we could go”, my roommate murmured as she stared at her laptop, engrossed.


“Her bunnies were cool, but I think Marieke will take them along with her” I thought out loud. Marieke was the kind  Dutch who was subletting her place to miserable expats like us, nearing the end of our exchange program. My roommate looked up with a flicker in her eye, “I don’t think I’d want to take care of them, maybe if it were long term, but no”.


I continued folding my clothes on the floor, still thinking about the bunnies, wondering the kind of commitment it would need to raise them. Was I even capable of parenting bunnies? But funnily, the situation was never going to arise. It was just a vague possibility that I brushed off.


I sat between my neat pile of folded clothes and started thinking about the amount of effort I should commit to making this new place feel like my temporary home. But I couldn’t come up with an answer for measuring the kind of attention and affection I could give and receive from a place and its people in thirty days.




We never ended up going to the jazz bar. I remember smiling timidly when the bar’s owner attempted to acknowledge our shared building and extended a warm welcome on my last day in the Netherlands. But I decided to pack my bags instead – it wasn’t worth the time. I didn’t know if I would see him or anyone I had met there again.

The couch in Goa

Precisely, a year later, I stood in an empty living room of a rather spacious villa in a small village in Goa, thinking about investing in a couch to just lie around. But again I reminded myself that this space was ‘home’ for just six months. Will I even need a couch if I have a bed? Maybe not. And for what seemed like the longest six months, the living room remained a hollow space with some forgotten and borrowed furniture that now marked my spot.


I remember indulging in sufficient small talk with the people around me in Goa, at least the four people I was able to see almost everyday. Mostly they were people who would refill my ‘survival kit’ - Polly uncle who would save some of his bread for my dinner and Antonetta who would make sure I had veggies to cook (considering food delivery services didn't function in the village).


I did my best to maintain my distance from these kind people I met everyday. Why would I want to grow close to them when I was not sure about returning to this secluded place after the next six months?


Somehow, my spectrum of attention for a place has become directly proportional to the number of days I plan to stay there. I still find it hard to understand how warm and connected I could be. Would it have been worth it to become friends with the owner of that jazz bar? Would it be okay to accept plants from my new neighbour?

The post-its on my walls

Being in a place bears a resemblance to being with a person. How long can I picture being with them? Is it long enough to like their idiosyncrasies or longer to call them out on those I find irritating? I think about every person I had once liked and imagined in my future. Funnily, all my decisions and interests would magically align with theirs (of course sparing a few traits here and there for the sake of maintaining some individuality to identify with the kind of independent woman I think I would like to be).


Every time I move to a new place there is this sense of compromise, similar to the kind I feel when I’m getting to know someone new. With new places, I go through repetitive phases of valuing and forgetting things I choose to create memories with – the nearby lake where I went for calm dips and a corner of my window that the curtain is unable to cover. With people, I love it when they share poems but get annoyed when they don’t text before calling.


These are the small things that I accept, compromise and get used to; and eventually all the parts become a habit, and before I know it, a routine - with the good and bad, funny and annoying things. And then comes the phase when I put in some effort so that these new places and people become the way I like them or come close to it. I think this can only happen when all three of us (the place, person and me) allow each other to cause small disruptions in our usual way of being.


My previous landowner hated it when I put up post-its and chart papers all over my (his) room, just like my roommate hated it when I corrected her grammar. But I continued doing both.




But soon (usually without warning) comes the inevitable point of knowing when to stop. When it finally stops mattering. When the time is right and you know you have to leave. When you’re done with ‘your’ place and people. The time when it cannot become anything beyond what it is in that moment. The possibly sad times, the time when the withdrawal takes over. And you miss the little nooks and corners and the little things 'your' place and person used to do, but you have to let go, and so you do.


And as I moved on willingly and unwillingly, house after house and person after person, I became more comfortable with living in withdrawal (over denial). I had to leave the Netherlands and return to my country and then I had to bid farewell to the kind people who belonged to the small Goan village.


I believe leaving is unavoidable, maybe even a little less burdensome when I know when to leave. With places it’s relatively more clear, I comply with the place and my plan to stay there. But with people, it’s a bit more complicated - they usually do not ‘accept, compromise and get used to’ me, like I do with them.

The drying plant

I remember lying, teary-eyed in bed, dreading the evening (a week from then) when I had to finally move out from my couch-less villa. It wasn’t about leaving the place (since I believe I made the place comply with my plan the day I arrived), but because I was missing my temporary roommate – a childhood friend who had come to live with me in Goa but had to leave (without warning). I had not been the warmest host and now I was missing his presence. The villa reminded me of the things that we had shared in the short time he had lived with me – sharing updates about the day over breakfast (which was mostly just Polly uncle’s bread) and sharing a meal at night (usually Antonetta’s veggies) while watching some sitcom. A day before he left, I had argued with him over not watering my plants (yes, I had accepted them from my new neighbour after all). His sudden plan to leave seemed unfair, I still had to make up for being rude to him -  not with a farewell cake or a verbal confrontation but by continuing to make and share meals like we had been doing since the past few weeks.


In the week that followed, I had many fleeting and recurring moments in the villa – while rubbing marks of my feet on the wall and thinking about my failed attempts at a handstand and while collecting left-over mud off the window sill from my plant pots (that I had to return).




Over time, I have realised that none of those places and people (bunnies ,couch, post-its and the plants) were ‘meant to be’. It was probably naive of me to build castles in the air and then carefully pick them apart because they were never intended to last. I’ve also come to terms with the rule of time – it will not wait for me to wrap up my clouds of fragmented nostalgia and I may never find ways to cherish those fleeting moments perfectly. It’s probably always going to remain disorderly - this chaos of emotions - regrets and ‘could have beens’. There are always going to be things I should have done and said that are going to remain locked up in a box somewhere in my head (maybe denial comes after acceptance?).


Like every place I have lived in, I am now a four-chambered space for rent. We’ll have a good time and then you’ll leave. Someday, when I am ready for you and you are ready for me, we will receive all the affection and attention we deserve.


In these glimpses of my home, you will observe my relationship with maximalism - one that’s about finding beauty in warmth and safety. 

To others, my space might seem like a closed room with a lot going on. But to me, this is where I find comfort - a space where I create a womb-like experience for myself. 


O.6. Womb

Gallery by Maira Bose

Ever since I got my own space, I have filled it up with an earthy palette of motifs and visuals.


O.5. Left out bobby pins

Words by Rushalee Goswami

Wiki’s definition of bobby pins: clips that slide into hair with the prongs open and then the flexible prongs close over the hair to hold it in place.

My grandmother is smaller than your average-sized person. She weighs about 25kgs and has a finite number of hairs on her head.


There are some old pictures of her from when she was as young as I am now. She is smiling a familiar smile and waving her hands over her braided hair. On closer inspection, I see a bindi on her forehead, bangles on her arms, bobby pins in her hair and hints of makeup on her cheeks and eyelids. To me, this person is a stranger. Her bobby pin is the only thing she has in common with my grandmother, who is standing next to the mirror in her room right now. She has just come out of the shower and is carefully clipping a bobby pin to her wet and oiled head – a ritual she would go on to practice until the second last day of her life. 

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Illustration by Vishnu B

My grandmother is old in all our memories together: an old woman running behind me as I race across our dining room…an old woman teaching me how to skip… an old woman telling me to smoke less... an old woman sharing her secrets with me…an old woman resting in her bed.


Sometimes, it felt like she had infinite thoughts scattered in her head – (all of them roaming around at their own free will) that she would habitually scribble down in ant-sized words in her diary. To me, these thoughts seemed to contrast the finite and tightly pinned strands of hair on her head.




When I was still in school, she would step out almost every day - to get groceries, or for a visit to the homeopathic doctor for her multiple invisible diseases and to fetch my sister from tuition. But as I grew up and she grew older, these visits to the outside world started getting lesser, until they completely stopped.


I became her anchor to the outside world. Every day after I came back home in the evening, she would greet me with a million big and small questions and expect me to give her detailed answers. On bad days, I would give half-answers, and on some days no answers at all. But on rare days, when I was happy, I would indulge in her curiosity. My grandmother would take it all in with her big eyes and toothless smile, just like I used to when she would narrate ‘once upon a time’ stories from her collection for children.

Staying at home for months on end, my grandmother started becoming like an indoor plant - sitting at the edge of a couch and staring at the television from the same position all day - camouflaging with that space. Until one day, she was not there anymore.




She died on Christmas eve and this is not a sad story because she died exactly how she would have wanted to - with minimum fight against the most profound truth of life.


That day, when I came back home from the hospital at midnight, the house still smelled of her - the smell of an old person, a mix of Boroline and Gelusil. She would keep all her little things - a pencil, diary, locket and  specs - in a small pencil bag that I had overgrown and stopped using. She loved wearing the sweaters I used to wear when I was in elementary school. She fit in them perfectly. One of those sweaters lay on the side of her bed. We had taken it off from her before leaving for the hospital.


One could imagine that even after death, people still stay back in the things they leave behind.


Holding onto the sweater was the closest I’d ever get to her again. And the diary, the bad handwriting, the pencil - all of it reminded me of the soft hands that held them. During her last days, her hands would always be wet. She found countless reasons to keep washing them even in winters. And at night, when I would be comfortably tucked in my bed, she would touch me with those cold, wet hands and I would shriek. She would laugh like a child.


I wanted the house to reverberate with the sound of her laughter. But instead, the clock in the living room seemed to have turned louder, weighing on me the reminder of a lifetime left that I would have to live without the warmth of her presence. While I waited for the morning when we would cremate her, I snuggled with a blanket on the same edge of the couch where she sat. I switched


on the television and watched the melodramatic Bengali serials that I would make fun of her for watching. As night turned into day, I turned into her.




We are probably conditioned to think in boxes - good or bad, happy or sad, life or death. So, when someone we love dies, we cry and we must. But it is only with time we understand that life is like sugar. In itself, it has weight but when it mixes with death, it dissolves in it like it was never there. Never demanding any more space. My grandmother would soon dissolve in air and water. As little space as she took up in the physical world, now, she would soon vacate this transitional realm where life enters and leaves every second. “Death is nothing but balance maintained”, she had told me when she had tried to rationalise her youngest daughter’s death earlier that year. In trying to make my peace with my grandma's death, I kept failing over and over again. There was an absence and a lot of space. I didn’t know what to do with it.




Even months after my grandmother died, I kept finding bobby pins lying around in the house. Forgotten pins under the pillow, in between books, behind the bed. She kept losing them a lot during her last few years. Slipping away from her hair like life slipping away from her until she was completely gone. I thought I had lost her until a while back, when I found myself sitting in her regular spot on the sofa, drinking tea from her cup (I am a coffee person). I had clipped my bangs with one of the bobby pins that I had found in between the cracks of the couch to prevent my hair from falling on my face.


And just like that, in a brief second, after months of struggle, I realised that like finding lost bobby pins in unexpected places, we will always find pieces of lost loved ones on unexpected days in ourselves - hiding in some corner. Waiting for the right time to show.

My definition of bobby pins: I think every breath we take is like bobby pins - holding our life in place. But like life, bobby pins also slip away little by little, until there is nothing left to hold in between the prongs.


O.4. Sugar that leaves a bitter taste

About the jars in Granny’s old haveli.

Words by Ananya Surana

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Illustration by Jishnnu B

Sometime in the middle of November last year, I was asked to move to Granny’s house for the winter. The isolation had been getting to her for a while now, and the bitter Ajmeri winters had only made it worse. 73-year-old and frail, Granny craved some good, old-fashioned human interaction. I was to be the cure for this boredom, even though the two of us had never really exchanged more than ten words at a time. I was unsure why the rest of my family thought that I possessed the ability to charm a cranky old woman who was only content with cheap gossip and piping hot tea. Or perhaps, it was the fact that I was truly the most dispensable rivaled with the rest of my family. Mother and Granny had always been at odds and had taken the wise decision of never really interacting with one another unless a social situation called for it. Father was desperately trying to make back the money he had had to squander during the onset of the pandemic. My 14-year-old sister was much too young to keep her patience and tongue in check when it came to Granny.


Most of the extended family had dusted their hands off of her the moment they could, leaving me to lay my sacrifice. So, I was parceled off to the sleepy town of Ajmer, with two small suitcases and a backpack on me. My job profile was scant, and truth be told, I was clueless about how exactly I could be of service to Granny. Regardless, I found myself in front of a sprawling, old villa in the heart of Ajmer, with an apathetic grandmother and a lazy, tired dog awaiting me inside.


Granny lived in an ancestral home, complete with aging teak furniture, a dusty unexplored attic, and a large backyard extending into a fruit orchard. The size of the house and Granny’s general disposition all screamed affluence. However, the truth was this: somewhere along the family tree, money had trickled away, leaving only the house as evidence of a glorious past. Grandfather had been a respected man and his name still carried as much influence as it had back in his days. But respect can only do so much, and it didn’t always necessarily translate into sociability. The entry gate saw few visitors in, and the back gate was used only by the milkman and Savita Didi.




Didi was my best memory of the four months I spent there. Lean, tanned and always sporting a huge grin, Savita Didi was from the small basti on the outskirts of town. She wasn’t that far off from my age, only about a year or two older. And yet, our lives couldn’t have been more different. At 20, Savita Didi was a mother and wife to two bratty children and one man-child who left her responsible for everything. She ran two households all by herself, with little interference - one ours, and the other her own. Her husband had half-fried his liver early into their marriage and continued to sponge up the meager funds that Granny awarded her at the end of each month. Her children were growing up faster than she liked, and there was never enough food to go around the table.


By contrast, I evidently had a lot less on my plate. Recently turned 18, most of my troubles stemmed from a lack of freedom and my responsibilities I didn’t know how to deal with. Even with the differences, Savita Didi was the only semblance of company I had in this ghost town. Ajmer is sleepy and becomes even more so in the winters. No visitors graced the house. Stepping out to find new friends wasn’t something I could do without the risk of freezing a limb off. So, Savita Didi and I fell into our own quiet routine.


Granny didn’t like our exchange too much and so all our conversations carried with them the thrill of secrecy. We exchanged whispered stories about high-school beaus and squashed aspirations, all under the roof of the kitchen. You see, throughout the day, Savita Didi was on the move. She scuttled about the house dusting and sweeping and mopping in flurried movements so much so that it was difficult to engage her even in a moment’s conversation. It was only during meal times when you could catch her restricted to just one room. So, the kitchen became our designated refuge, host to all kind of conversations. Over the course of the next month, I grew closer than ever to Savita Didi. Her situational company became something I now sought out by choice.


So, while she cooked each meal with meticulous dedication, I explored the eccentricities with which Granny liked to arrange her kitchen. Everything was duplicated, cupboards on either end of the gas stove, each lined with jars and jars of spices, dals, and flavourings. It was like seeing double - there was two of everything. I reasoned that this may be for ease of reach, and a plot to make sure we never suddenly ran out of essential supplies. It’s always good to have spares, isn’t it? In hindsight, however, it may be appropriate to tell you that I had absolutely no clue what I was talking about. My skills in the kitchen were limited to boiling water and chopping onions and so it wasn’t like I was in the best place to offer explanations about kitchen arrangements.


It was exactly this that Granny seemed to particularly dislike about me. My mother had raised me as a child and not as a daughter. This meant that I hadn’t been forced into the kitchen the moment I could crawl. Granny, on the other hand, believed knowing how to cook was one of the many moral responsibilities of a woman. She wanted to remedy my ineptness in the kitchen within the four months I had with her. Her solution to it began in a series of small tasks, the first one being her favorite cup of evening tea. Now, Granny was a grumpy person in general, so without her tea, she became insufferable. If I had to impress her, this tea had to be perfect. Armed with a couple dozen of recipes on YouTube and Savita Didi in the wings, I entered a turf I’d usually only used for socializing.


There was no way I could trick her with a store-bought mix. Granny was far more experienced than me, both in the culinary arts as well as in finding faults where none existed. I had to make this tea from scratch, and it had to be an epitome of the perfect Indian masala chai. She must sip it and picture the tea lands of Assam, fresh and green. She must sip it and suddenly be revitalized into the exuberant days of her youth. She must sip it and feel overwhelming joy warm her bone-deep, enough to melt her icy exterior. So it began, with grating adrak, crushing cinnamon, grinding elaichi with laung and corn peppers. In went the water, along with the ground spices, ginger, and tea leaves. The water took on a dark, golden-brown color, and bubbled up to a boil. I turned the flame lower, added in a spoonful of sugar from the plastic box on the counter, and freehanded the milk into the boiling mixture. It was a rich cup of tea, aromatic and fragrant. The mere scent was enough to titillate your senses, or so I thought at the very least. Granny seemed to agree, or perhaps she had the decency to flash me a watery smile after her sip to not discourage my efforts. It was only tea after all.


Pleased with myself, I headed back to the kitchen to tell Savita Didi of my victory. Instead, I was met with a worried gaze and trembling hands. She rushed towards me, took a peek at Granny snoozing in her rocking chair, and withdrew into the usual corner of the kitchen we reserved for secrets of the topmost importance.


I’d used the wrong sugar, she said. I was lucky Granny hadn’t found out. Naturally, I was thrown into confusion. Exactly what could be wrong with sugar? Was it not just sugarcane processed into tiny crystals of white? Even then, Savita Didi wildly gestured to a tin box on the right side of the stovetop, while I gazed at the plastic takeaway box that housed the sugar I’d used. With a start, I realized what the double arrangements had meant. It wasn’t the smart organizational trick that I’d thought it to be.


Granny liked to keep her food separate from that meant for Savita Didi’s consumption. Even sugar, unassuming crystals of white that looked the exact same, no matter what quality they claimed to be, was stored separately. Everything about the cheap, plastic take-out container that the “wrong” sugar was stored in screamed inferiority - as if the ones consuming it were inferior themselves. There was something startlingly different in the two sugars that didn’t stem from the nature of the sugar itself, but from the ones who used it. The irony had not gone unnoticed: Savita Didi, who cleaned for us all day, had been branded unclean by a spoonful of sugar. A teaspoon of sugar, one of the most commonplace ingredients, had become a symbol of centuries-old casteist practices that Granny still mindlessly followed.


The kitchen had been a place where I’d finally found a friend, but for Savita Didi, it was a daily reminder that she could never be a part of “us”. Every spice, every pulse, practically every ingredient she used drew boundaries between “us” and “them”. Despite the term with which we addressed her - didi, meaning sister, she would never truly be family. After all, blood is thicker than chai, even with the wrong sugar, isn’t it?

O.3. Forget-me-not

forget me not

About a wicker chair stuck in time.

Words by Ananya Surana

There was no denying it. Nani was officially off her rocker. No, not the literal wicker chair she sat on from morning to late evening, be it rain or shine. She was still very much on it, swaying back and forth with little shifts of her weight. She was off her metaphorical rocker. Nani was officially losing her mind.


It started with inconsequential one-off incidents no one gave much thought to. She would leave her thick-framed spectacles on one of the numerous shelves of the refrigerator and spend the next hour looking for them. She would forget to put on her trademark bindi even though the little red dot was important to her. She would order four instead of two packets of milk. She would walk to the department store, chat with the shopkeeper for 20 minutes and return home with an empty basket and an unticked grocery list.

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Illustration by Jishnnu B

These slight moments of thoughtlessness were brushed aside. At 75, Nani was still sharp as a whip and always ready with long lectures on everything, from ethics to science. The occasional mishap was a sign of age, even for Nani. Pratima Chanda, or Nani, as I called her, had always been my role model. At 25, Nani had completed an MA in philosophy, and enrolled in a Ph.D. program at Bombay University, making her the most educated member of our family. Nani lived through her prime in the changing tides of the 70s. These were the times when women were usually married off in their early teens and barely moved past the boundaries of their home. And while the former was true for her too, Nani believed in her version of new-age feminism and did not let anything or anyone block her path. Marriage, kids, and household responsibilities came second to her career, and everyone loved her for this.


She worked hard hours and dealt with the bratty antics of her college students with a firm hand. Her ambitions inspired many people and angered even more. A woman asserting herself outside her home. How dare she! Nani didn’t care for any of it. The neighbors shamed her decisions and made sharp innuendos about her late working hours. She simply smiled at them and sent kheer every other weekend. “Kill them with sugar, honey,” she used to say, every time I expressed my frustration.


So when Nani began to slip from the fabric of reality, the realisation sank in too late. With mirth in our eyes, we watched her look for the watch already fastened on her wrist. “She’s too preoccupied with thoughts of Kant and Descartes to pay any mind to the realm of the ordinary”, we laughed. It’s Nani! She’ll bounce back.


But slowly, Nani got worse. She’d forget to grade assignments and address students by the wrong names. She’d easily lose her train of thought in the middle of her lecture. She’d ramble on and on about one school of thought, pause for a moment, pat out imaginary creases in her perfectly pleated sari, stare blankly at the wall as if in a trance and then switch to a completely different chapter. At home, she would address all of us with different names and forget that she had even called us over in the first place.


The day I realised something was truly wrong however, was five months into Nani’s forgetfulness. I had a particularly long day at work, and things only got worse when it began to rain mid-way – about a mile from Nani’s house. I entered her house, drenched to the bone and shivering, and heard Nani clattering utensils in the kitchen. I dropped my ruined bag at the door, slid off my shoes and called out to her for a cup of tea. Nani didn’t respond, but I assumed she’d heard me and headed to my room to change out of my soaked clothes. Usually, Nani welcomed me with a warm meal and millions of questions about my day. When I entered the kitchen, now in a fresh pair of sweatpants and a comfortable sweater, Nani was no longer there.


The dining table was bare. Desperate for the promised cup of tea, I returned to the wicker chair in quest of Nani. She sat there with a book in her hand, rocking back and forth incessantly. I called out to her twice, to no avail. So, I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.


Nani jumped at least ten meters into the air. It was almost cartoonish. Her eyes grew round at the corners, a sudden fear overtaking them. Promptly, she whacked me on the head with her hardbound leather book. She sprang up from her chair, and ran to the door, surprisingly fast for a 75-year-old. “Thief! Thief! Help me!”, she cried out.


“It’s only me Nani, your granddaughter. Calm down!”


“I may be old young lady, but I am no one’s Nani! Get out of my house before I call the neighbourhood to chase you away. Don’t you underestimate me!”


“Nani! I’m in no mood for jokes. I’ve had a terrible day at work. Give it a break!” I was incredulous.


Nani grew enraged. She wrapped her sari around her waist, picked up the umbrella near the door and advanced towards me. Confused, I tried to wrestle the makeshift weapon out of her hands, trying my best to be gentle. She was would not budging. It was a battle that only one of us was fighting.


“Shrikant! Come here! This innocent-looking girl is trying to rob us!”, she cried out to my grandfather, who had been dead for over a decade.


Nani had somehow been transported to eons ago, before I was even born, before my mother was even married. Nani thought she was only 50 and still lived with her husband, two sons and a young daughter. She had forgotten everything that had occurred in the last twenty-five years.


With tears in my eyes, I thought it was best to leave the house until my mother arrived on the scene. I waited in the veranda as the rain merged with my already wet face. It hurt seeing Nani this bad. I never thought that she would be the one to lose her grip on sanity. This was Nani, the badass feminist philosopher who remembered everything! I didn’t know what to do. When Mother arrived, she had to forcefully remind Nani of the last twenty-five years. My grandfather’s accident. My mother’s divorce. Nani’s job. She fell into a stupor and cried floods of tears when she remembered it all.


After this, Nani shut down.


Nani stopped going to work. In fact, she stopped doing anything at all. The wicker chair had found a permanent occupant. It rocked back and forth, then forth and back all day long, its creak served as a constant reminder of that fateful day. She slept in that old thing, ate her food there, cried there.


Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.


Nani shifted from the present to the past, and past to the present.


Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.


It’s been seven years since then. The house feels empty. The refrigerator stores only the right amount of milk and groceries. No spectacles are found on the shelves. The wicker chair has stopped creaking.

O.2. she/i


Lines about human dependence on everyday objects for comfort.

Words by Ayeshaa Mohan

At my lowest, 

she cradles me in her soft arms. 


At my best, 

she gives me a surface to jump on. 


The corners of her clothes have wiped my tears, 

as her body continues to bear more stains.


And the edges of her drape

hide vivid souvenirs from my nightmares.


In her head, my laughter still echoes

while shut somewhere in her locked memory,

I cry, howl and bellow. 


She continues to knit more drapes with my secrets

and in their comfort lives my innocence and guilt. 


It is with her that I’ve laughed, screamed and healed.

A part of me is in her - my Bed.  


Illustration by Jishnnu B


O.1. Bright

Lines about a moka pot.

Words by Stuti Sareen

I met Bright when I was seventeen and had started feeling the need to explore things in the adult world. We had known each other since I was ten but I was more interested in instant brewing back then and Bright didn’t like me much. So, one morning, I tried getting to know Bright. It took a long while for Bright to bubble up to me but we found our rhythm soon enough. We couldn’t go a single morning without spending time with each other. On some days, I would wake up at 5am to find some alone time with her before our family started being noisy and nosey in the morning. This went on for about two months after which I left for university. Bright stayed back home with our family. She belonged there and everyone needed her more than I did. I met a few more who looked like Bright – some bubbled faster, some looked stronger and some were pretty dark on the inside. A few years went by and I gave up hope on finding the same rhythm I had with Bright. And soon after that, I forgot about Bright. In 2020, I came back home. Bright was still there. She was slower but happier. We were slower but happier. We had our rhythm again. I had hope again.


Bright died in January 2021. A part of her holds the brightest flowers in my garden.

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Illustration by Jishnnu B

Mysticeti & friends:

Dhyani lives in Mumbai and is a product designer and alumni of the National Institute of Design, Ahemdabad. She believes design research is best done around plants and breaks best taken with some tea. Dhyani currently works at the Quicksand Design Studio in Goa. 
Mitra is an artist from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She is training to be a psychologist. 

Ria Chauhan writes free verse and spends most of her time baking lemon cakes and painting plates.


Ishani Kamat is a textile designer. She loves, materials, graphics and prints.

Ananya Surana is student of literature at Ashoka University.
Rushalee Goswami is a final year Master's student at Jamia Millia Islamia. She is passionate about storytelling through various forms.
Maira Bose is a multidisciplinary designer and visual artist. She derives her inspiration from art movements, cultural practices, rock n’ roll and nature. 
Ankita designs art and nature-based learning experiences for children and adults. She loves documenting her reflections through writing and illustrations, and her work has been published in various online and print platforms.
Shivani is an illustrator, storyteller and urban sketcher based in Pondicherry. Often found seated along Pondicherry's footpaths, she captures the city and its inhabitants within the pages of her sketchbook.

Ayeshaa Mohan is a 16-year-old aspiring writer from Delhi. 

Jishnnu B creates visualization, illustrations and immersive narratives.


Vishnu Baiju creates animations and illustrations.


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