0.2 Expressions
Letters to our younger selves

Doodle by Rohini Kejriwal (@ro.doodles)
LOOKING AT CLOUDS by Elizabeth Hasan
I have looked at clouds
from various windows,
rooms, hallways, and cities -
but none were as interesting
as what I used to see
from that classroom
hiding behind the trees.
We sat on the third floor
while the clouds hid
along the window grills,
playing peek-a-boo was their favorite, and
daydreaming was my thrill.
They were like water -
took the shape of my mind’s
fantasy, until the science teacher
bonked me on the head
and scolded, ‘They are made of water,
You stupid!’
If they are made of water,
then tell me -
why, on gray-colored afternoons
they look like my grandma?
And why, on honey-colored evenings
the clouds look like samosa?
Why do they look like the boy
who ignored me on purpose?
Why do they look like the memories
I forgot cause of life’s rush?
For a long time, the clouds
were black, either passing by
or non-existent; even though
bright shone the blue sky.
For a long time,
clouds lost their meaning
even as I gazed afar.
But these days I can make out
an ice cream or a friend,
and I know
it’s not over yet, so far.
RECEESSES by Rubica Kler
i see calm
you see an outline
i see hope
you see an eel perched on a cloud
i see a smile
you see a flat line
Disposition is a funny thing.
Where you see the sky
i see the recesses
of my mind.
SEAL AWAY by Shreya Jain
i am floating in the sky
for the very first time
spreading my flippers
i don't need a slipper
the air is brushing my whiskers
the clouds make my silhouette
i am looking up and forward
no more baggage to carry around
I trembled at the sight of dark cloudy skies but only later I realized they were bles'seal' in disguise
DISGUISE by Kamali Ganpathy
My tired brain spends another morning sleeping through my alarm. As I rush through my morning ritual, I look up at the blue sky from my balcony and realise that I’ve missed a beautiful rainy morning. I feel a bit, well, blue. So, I decide to cling to one happy memory.
I’m ten years old and lounging on the grass with my two best friends. My hands are tucked behind my head and I’m staring at clouds while my mind is finding shapes where there seem to be none.
I decide to recreate this memory from my balcony. For a while, I see nothing but the blue sky and shapeless clouds. As I continue looking up, the chatter from the past few months begins to fade till I finally spot a playful seal smiling down at me - its silver outline akin to fluffy crochet.
Maybe if I stop being so ‘sky blind’, things might just turn out to be okay.